One (of the three) pushtubes for the elevator in my KR-2 is 63 inches long by 1 
1/4 diameter by .125 wall.  It seems heavy and overdone, but my KR-2 shed 6 
pounds in the process of removing the cable system and replacing with pushrods 
for the ailerons and elevator.  Virtue and peace of mind are their own rewards.
Sid Wood, Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Colin & Bev Rainey [] 
        Just remember if you desire to make a long run of the pushtube as I 
did, you have to increase the diameter of the tube relative to the length. In 
other words the longer the bigger.  I believe Dana in his RV has one that is 
thin wall 1 1/2" T6 aluminum, to go a distance of some 6-7' .  My friend Bill 
who has a Thorp T-18 has almost the same length run and uses the same diameter. 
He is a mechanical engineer and told me that runs over 4 feet have to be twice 
as strong in compression (the pushing part) as it does shorter than that.  My 
tube is 1" thick walled T6, with an interior piece of 5/8" that was the 
original tube before I found out about the compression issue.  Dana has a list 
of parts he used to assemble his and I am sure if you write him he would send 
you a copy of that list.  I prefer the pushtube for the elevator control, 
because there is alot more solid feel to it, and that is re-assuring to me, 
considering that I can make up for the failure of one of either of the other 
controls, but pitch is next to impossible to have a back-up plan for unless 
your KR is equipped with elevator trim.  
        Colin & Bev Rainey

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