Larry; I'm right in the middle of building my canopy frame. I started mine literally from scratch. I started by buying a 3 inch wider canopy from Todd Silver (Todd's Canopies).... If you are interested in seeing how I built mine check-out:
I'm in the process of sending Dan alot more pictures, he should have them by week's end. Stay tuned! BTW: DO NOT use a heat gun. Dan Heath has been having some Canopy woes, finally resolved it by cooking a new windshield. Dan says that he couldn't get his windshield to drape into it's final shape until the temperature was between 225 and 250.... You can check-out how Dan fixed his canopy: Mark Langford also built his own canopy frame, turtledeck etc. Of course his website describing it is: --- larry severson <> wrote: > I am about to install the Dragonfly canopy. > Unfortunately, it is 3.5 in. > wider than my airframe. I am told (by the > manufacturer) that trying to use > a heat gun to drop it into shape is a BAD idea. How > did those of using > these canopies get them to fit? ===== Scott Cable KR-2S # 735 Wright City, MO __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003