Netters; I have mentioned this before, but I have a 6" semi-pneumatic tailwheel on my M-19 "Flying Squirrel" (aka, KR Construction Trainer). The last two photos at show this unit. Semi-pneumatic means the tire is hollow inside but there isn't a valve stem or any way to inflate the thing; it relies on the stiffness of the tire compound for shock absorption and flex. I can weigh any or all of it if anyone is interested (it's sitting in my garage), or give you measurements of axle diameter, width, etc.
If it matches the dimensions of any flying KR that would care to try it out, I'd be happy to box it up and have it on its way for test purposes... just email me privately. Same goes for any KR currently able to do taxi testing that would care to try it out. The tailwheel was purchased through W.W. Grainger and is a standard catalogued item of theirs. I have it mounted on a fabricated tailwheel fork and pivot that is welded to a single-leaf Aircraft Spruce "homebuilder tailwheel spring", modified. This assembly has NOT been flown yet. And be advised that adding size to your tailwheel means you can't 'stall' the aircraft as firmly in a landing (in a taildragger, of course). I don't know how much aft stick travel most KRs have past the stall on the ground, but using a larger tailwheel nibbles away at that travel effectiveness because once she's in the 3-point attitude on the ground, that's all you get. Oscar Zuniga San Antonio, TX mailto: website at _________________________________________________________________ Worried about inbox overload? Get MSN Extra Storage now!