As a long time kart racer, I feel fairly qualified to
answer this: There was a thread about a year ago on
this same subject: a KR builder was asking about the
Enginetics single sided full circle disc brakes.  The
person that posted the subject was needing info, and
complained about the lack of performance (in-ability
to stop short)
  Kart brakes of this type really don't work well with
a KR, or other high speed aircraft because in order to
work properly, a less than .015 gap must be
maintained.   Another reason is Kart brakes are
designed to haul a maximum of 400 lbs down to a stop,
repeatedly, from slower speeds.
A KR weighs at least twice that amount. (aircraft,
pilot, passenger and fuel).
  They are compact and light weight, and I could see
why a builder might be tempted to use them. They are
hydraulic also, use a master cylinder, tubing and the
 But they are a maintenence headache that require
contant attention. Ok for racing karts because they
are continually maintained. Not so good for an
    As far as Manco goes, I'd never trust anything
they made to be put on an airplane, their junk isn't
even adequate for fun karts that kids ride around in
  Just my two cents worth...

--- Oscar Zuniga <taildr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Netters;
> Just another possibility for those not wanting to
> mess with hydraulic fluid, 
> tubing, hydraulic cylinders, and the rest of it.

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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