By the time I went to bed last night I had sent out 4 private emails showing 
different URLs for non KR canopy release and latch URLs.  This morning I had 
an additional 17 in my in box.  For brevity sake I am posting what I sent to 
everyone previously.

These are the only pics I can send, I don't have a KR in my garage anymore 
to run out and measure the canopy height, shoulder width or firewall 
support.  This is all I have now.  As this cut and paste from the single 
private email stated:

"The post below has nothing to do with the KR; please stop the - I've
switched to Aluminum, I got one, how come you can't come and join me and the
rest of the RV crowd."

That statement could not be any furthur from reality.  The only reason I 
post the URLs listed below is to offer an idea for the KR builder, not as 
the above statement indicates.  I know when I was building my KR, I looked 
at airplanes of all types trying to get ideas.  Where in world do you think 
the Dr. Dean hinge idea came from??  You wouldn't believe the number of 
airplanes Langford and I walked up to at SNF one year snapping pics of the 
elevator hinges.  This is not posted as a "this is the way to do it" or 
"this is the best way" or "if you don't do it this way it will fall out of 
the sky".  If anyone thinks this is inappropriate let me know.  Every single 
private email I got supported my posting.  If it bothers you let me know, 
I'll restrict my postings to running out and taking pictures of what I left 
of my KR, which would be a piece of carbon fiber and some foam.  I think I 
could reply to one or two posts a year. When I posted pics of the pushrod 
assembly with part numbers it was so a builder who was installing pushrods 
could have an easy outlet to purchase and manufacture his assembly.  With 
that said, remember Fun Friday is for anything aviation:-)  I didn't reply 
to what Dan had on his website about the handy dandy deburring tool because 
I thought it might be too much "metal".  Heck, I got three deburring tools 
from Avery and know just what he wants including part numbers.  Go with the 
one that fits in an electric screwdriver....the hand crank one is known as 
the "carpel tool".   If you find the following offensive, well that's all I 
got.  I try and restrict my postings to what would work on the KR not as 
that absurd quote states.  As someone once told me, "a turtle doesn't get 
anywhere unless he sticks his head out of his shell".  Here's the 
head.....take a swing.............float like a butterfly............yea, 
right:-)  Sorry for the rant but some people can't see help even if the 
signs painted red and stuck in their front yard.

The URL shows the release handle.  You would attach a rod internally to 
activate whatever latching mechanism you would choose.  The pics at the 
bottom are of mine showing the latching handle and how it rotates.

Take a look here  It is about 1/2 way 
down the page.  It shows the material used and how you need to cut it to 
make it work on a KR.  Click Next at the bottom of the page for a couple 
additional pics.  This is the near flush outside release mechanism.  You can 
drill it, place a lock on it for when you are at Oshkosh, or leave it 
unlocked so people won't break your canopy to steal something.  This is on 
the tipper.  All alum is 1/8".  If you need some explaining of how this 
works, drop me a line.

The following pictures show the internal locking handle for a slider.

Yes, this is my Imron black.

Notice the pivot point of the latch is aft of the centerline of the handle.  
When you pivot it to the point where it hits the peg, it levers itself and 
snugs the canopy.  Really neat and cheap install for both methods.  Two 
small pegs drop in on the aft part of the frame into blocks that secure the 
aft corners.  The latch simply protrudes through the canopy to a very small 
external handle.

Truly KISS, there is nothing complicated about this arrangement.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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