I'm not a builder, but a person who wants to buy >a completed KR to learn how to fly in. I also want a plane that will carry two >"average size middle aged adults." Today's pilots are heavier than they were 50 >years ago. My instructor and I would weigh in about 250 pounds each. Therefore, >would definitely need to have a KR that would fly with a heavier gross weight. >Thomas Brock +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thomas, I don't want to burst your bubble but I think it's time for a reality check. Two 250 pound people in a KR of any kind and use it for training is just not going to work. I would suggest you look at the following web site: http://www.visionaircraft.com/ If you "must" train in a home built I think something like the "Vision" would fit your needs MUCH better. It has a cockpit width up to 44 inches and would much better handle two people like you and your instructor. It claims good performance numbers for a 100 horse engine which leaves you the possibility of building up or buying an inexpensive engine and they claim a very reasonable airframe cost. If their claims are even close you could possibly get one in the air for $20,000 or less. If I were starting over I would give the Vision strong consideration over the KR. Good luck and Merry Christmas. Larry Flesner