Sand the wood down until you can't see the varnish anymore then use something like acetone.
>From a previous post on how to remove varnish is this: I think the most difficult job you are going to have, is getting all that varnish off. Our boat was finished, and varnished. When I went to install the other things that go on top of the boat, I sanded off all the varnish. I then installed my first item. The next day, all I had was a gooey mess. T-88 would not stick, VinylEster would not stick, and Poly Fiber resin would not stick. Someone suggested that I sand and then wash with acetone or lacquer thinner. That worked, but it was a very time consuming and laborious job. As you sand the varnish off, it gets into the pours of the wood. If you could get it stripped with a varnish stripper that would not affect the glue, that might be the best way to start. >From Dan Heath ^ Justin N116JW ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 12:16 AM Subject: Kr>Varnish Removel/Rudder Peddles > While I was varnishing the insides of my wing spars I usually ended up > with extra varnish. I resisted the temptation to use the extra varnish under > the cockpit floor not knowing if I would need to glue in a piece of wood for > something. I had a moment of weakness and varnished the first 2 bays. I now > realized that my rudder peddles will mount close to the first cross member and I > will probably have to add a chunk of wood for the mounting screws. > > How am I going to get that varnish off so I get a good glue joint? > _______________________________________________ > see KRnet list details at >