At 04:52 PM 12/5/03 +1100, you wrote:
>I have increased my H/Stabilizer spars 12 inches, Some have told me to
>increase the spar size and strength, others say here is no need.
>Any advise would be welcomed
>Phil Matheson


I'm not an engineer so the answer to that is a bit out of my league.

I've never heard of a HS failure in the standard KR or any other
structural failure for that matter.  The 12 inch extention changes
things though and they might stand a bit of re-inforcemet.

Are you building a 2 or a 2S?  If you are building a 2S I'd stick
with the dimentions called for in the plans.  If you are building
a 2 I'd go with the dimention of the 2S and build it to the
2S plans.  I'd not go bigger than the 2S plans. 

Hope that is of some help.

Larry Flesner

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