OK, so much for building pics.......how about a couple flying pics.  Seems 
as flying takes a back seat while we are building.  About 5 weeks ago a 
flyer started a yahoo group called Ohio Valley Rvators, there are now over 
145 members.  If anyone has a yahoo account, you can check out the photo 
section and file sections.  I wanted to see a very specific detail on an aft 
canopy skirt on last years SNF Grand Champion 6.   I know, I know it's not 
KR but it is Friday and it is airplane related:-).  Anyway, I posted a 
message on Tuesday night at 10:30 PM to meet on Weds. at noon. We ended up 
having three more RVs to look at so it was six people four airplanes on a 
moments notice.  One of the guys has a 4 with inverted oil and fuel.  
Needless so say how he flew:-)

Anyway, for those building and not flying.............a little unusual 
attitude.........course with me that can be most days.  This would be 
somewhere around 270 degrees.........not 90 degrees.

Check out the VSI then look at the pitch attitude.  Cruise climb with a 
fixed pitch prop!!

Well, for a building update. I have exactly two alum. parts I haven't yet 
fitted/drilled and deburred yet for fuselage pieces.  Several pieces have 
been fit but removed for painting.  As soon I get the canopy removed, I'll 
spend about 2 hours stripping parts out of the fuselage and taking the 
fuselage to the painter for some spot interior painting.  By next weekend I 
should be permanently reinstalling fuselage interior parts and start my 
electrical rough cut wire runs.  Man, as you who have started installing 
systems...........this is flat out FUN!!

We dark side guys say, "keep on pounding"........on here "keep on gluing", 
there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

On a side note, go to matronics.com go to the RVlist site, go to 7 day 
archives or most recent posts something like that.  One of the maintainance 
guys who serviced the jetliner struck by a shoulder SAM in Iraq last weeks 
has posted three pics.  Unbelievable how these pilots got it back on the 

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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