Welcome Dan, what did you do with the mothballed T2? David Mikesell
I chopped her up in little pieces and buried her where no one will ever find her. Oh, you meant the airplane. Well I chopped it up into little pieces and took it to the salvage yard for scrap. My first attempt at metal working and airplain building was not symmetrical and not at all neat, compared to some of the fine work I've seen on the net. I learned a lot, and don't regret scrapping her, but next time around I'll take more time. When my daughter and son-in-law got evicted, we had to shuffle things around to make room in the house, and stuffed their household goods into the garage. The plane was taking up valuable space. Actually it was pretty funny. The scrap yard had never received an airplane as recyclable material, so they mounted the tail feathers on the wall like a trophy. -- Daniel E. Root ES&H Associate ES&H Team 4 X-36946 page 05421