Mark, I used the foam that came w/the kit, that wing extension if done as per the plans works out very well,-------and it"s light. ( I wouldn't do it any differently today than I did 5 yrs ago.)
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 22:28:39 -0600 "Mark Langford" <> writes: > It's been a few years since I brought this up, but the hoaky foam > spar > extensions that are added to the KR2 spars to make them KR2S spars > just > doesn't sit right with me. I feel sure that was the result of > somebody > trying to use spar material (and wood kits) that were already called > out for > the KR2, rather than structural or common sense integrity. Not that > they're > not structurally sound (there's not much load out there, but there > are > plenty of opportunities to screw it up), but just as a matter of > keeping > things straight. It's hard to beat a nice spar for straightness. > It'd be a > shame to stick some junk on the end of it and give a joggle or a > discontinuity. > > If I were building a new KR2S I'd just buy the spar material 12" > longer than > the plans call for dump the 33" template, going with the next one in > line, > the 30.67" template at the new end of the spar, and dispense with > the > foam/glass kludge job. In fact, the AS504X templates already have a > phantom > spar and dimensions for the spar if it's extended to that point... > > Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL > N56ML "at" > see KR2S project at > > > > _______________________________________________ > see KRnet list details at > > ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!