Phil; My understanding is that the X braces were put in because under   some
loads the tail was twisting and this was exacerbated when the fuselage was
----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Maley" <>
To: "'KRnet'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:48 PM
Subject: RE: KR>Scott Cable and Steve Jones Pictures

> Dan
> I noticed that Scott's fuselage
> ( has diagonal braces on the
> top surface. My old KR2 plans do not show these diagonal members so I
> assume the original design relies on the turtledeck to close the "box"
> and provide torsional stiffness for the fuselage.
> Are the diagonal braces shown on the later KR2 or KR2S drawings? If they
> are, can anyone advise if there was any incident that prompted RR to add
> them? I'm sure they are a good idea but wondering if I need to add them
> to my KR2.
> Thanks
> Phil Maley
> Perth Australia
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