Mark & Net Admin; If memory serves, Justin has been warned about his language, eMail, and website content etc. before on numerous occasions. Personally, I'm sick of the bandwidth this subject of plywood is taking up. My question is how much as a community are we going to take? He's asked questions before, and suggested to go to his website, which was full of offensive material, and had absolutely nothing on his website pertaining to the question he had asked. My thoughts are is that this kid just enjoys offending people, and if that is his way of attracting attention to himself, fine. Let him get his "jollies" on someone else's bandwidth. PLEASE! --- Mark Jones <> wrote: > Justin, > Your language and attitude are not acceptable here > on the Net. You cool it or I personally will call the Net Administrator and ask that you be removed from our group.
===== Scott Cable KR-2S # 735 Wright City, MO __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now