If you are going to use 100LL especially, running both plugs will not only give 
you a more complete burn, but will prevent lead fouling of the second plugs.  
No matter how carefully you lean, you will still get carbon deposits, and lead 
fouling on the second set if you don't keep them burned off.  You really are 
not saving anything, and you cause a delay in the safety purpose of the second 
ignition system, since you would nearly cutoff before switching the "backup" 
on.  2 plugs will actually produce slightly more horsepower than one set.  Look 
at the Nissan 8plug 4 cylinder, and the Ford Ranger 2.3L 8plug 4cylinder, just 
to name a couple.  They found it to be beneficial.

Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td)
Sanford, Florida
KR Gathering 2004-see ya in Mt Vernon

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