
I used a non-metallic material in my fuel tank and collecting water is not a
factor. I cleared this with the mfgr before using it.

Bob Sauer
From: resa...@cox.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harold Woods" <audreyandharoldwo...@rogers.com>
To: <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 2:08 PM
Subject: KR>explosafe foam.

Hi Netters.
I have read that aircraft should not use the aluminum mesh anti-explosion
material in their gas tank.The reason is that water will adhere to the
surface area of this material. As such it will not show up in a drain
sample. Pull a high G turn and the water on the foil in the tank is shaken
off into the bottom and on into the carb.The last thing you need is a few
litres of water suddenly appearing in your carb. What have others heard
about this matter?
Harold Woods

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