I fly mine just like a 172, once I see 60 mph I start pulling back. I did not have any training in anything w/a stick prior to flying my 2S, and truthfully I don't think it would have mattered if I had because the KR is unlike anything else. I did what u are doing-------getting a feel for it on the ground first, I believe I only spent 1.5 hrs total taxi time over 3 days before I flew it off. I was kinda shocked by the way it jumped off the runway once I pulled back. Just don't over due it on the stick or u will really know the meaning of PILOT INDUCED OCCILLATION.
Good Luck On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 13:02:05 EST ronev...@aol.com writes: > Netters: > I'm a 7,000 hour CFII/ATP. My KR-2S was signed off 5 days ago. > It has > tricycle gear with a Subaru EJ-22w/reduction drive. I'm sneaking up > on the > actual flying of the little beast by doing high speed runs down the > runway. I > will continue in this approach until I feel absolutely sure of > myself before I > slip the surly bonds of earth. I can't imagine a low time pilot > trying to fly > a KR without getting some instruction from a qualified CFI before > flying one > of these things. > By the way, (for all of you with tricycle landing gear), at > what speed > does your nose gear come up? I think I might be a little nose > heavy. > > RV > _______________________________________________ > see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html > > ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!