The original KR was covered in dynel. It is the most terrible stuff. It is a maximum problem to sand as it is very slippery. When the epoxy is added the cloth sticks up its fibres in all directions and soaks up too much epoxy. It certainly is NOT strong as compared to fibreglass.To apply glass at 45 degrees will give you the best strength for the fabric but who needs it? It is far stronger than dynel to begin with. Away back "when" I added a second layer of glass over top of the dynel.Now I have the heaviest wings around. There is only one use for dynel. It can be added over top of glass to produce a surface that is very scratch resistant.Try some on the bottom of the fuselage if you are using the old retractable undercarriage system. Then it might come in handy some day. Regards to all Harold Woods Orillia, ON. Can.
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