A friend of mine dropped by today and brought a Rockey Mountain Engine Monitor 
which he removed from a project he is going to part out. In the link below it 
is the large moniter on the right. I'm more partial to analog gauges and so I 
don't think I will offer him what it is worth. You will find the price of this 
instrument new is, in kit form approx $1000, in assembled approx $1300 plus 
sensors. Of course this is a used instrument and has no sensors with it. I 
really don't know the condition but he said it will power up. He may put it on 
Ebay but if anyone would like to make an offer or ask questions about it 
contact me off net.I would be glad to pass it on to him. 

Robert J. (Jack) Cooper
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
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