--- Dean Cooper <dean_coo...@msn.com> wrote:
> Netters,
> I'm looking for some advice.  I am 6' and weigh
> about 238 lbs.  I will get down to about 210-220 lbs
> before my plane is finished and probably sooner if I
> ever want a chance to fly in one sooner.  I am
> building a stock KR2 and have ordered tri-gear.
> - What structural modifications should I consider
> (ie, larger stabilizers, etc) to ensure this is a 2
> place aircraft for my size?  Obviously with a
> smaller passenger...
> - Should I heavily consider one engine over another?
> - Any other ideas?
> You can email me off net at dean_coo...@msn.com. 
> Thanks.
> Dean Cooper
> Jacksonville, FL
> See my KR project a

Dear Dean,

I am not rying to be a smart ass but I do have some
advice.  I weighed 213 lbs in January of 2002.  In May
I was down to 190 and have retained that weight for
over a year and a half.  I went on the Atkins diet and
I have been on about everyone they ever had.  It is
the only one that did exactly what the book said it
would do.  I eat fat, protien, cream, butter, meats,
fish, pork, chicken...little to none carbohydrates. 
Pw\eople laughed at Dr. Atkins for years and called
him crazy...now that he has died, they are finally
admitting that he was on to something.  Your weight
will seriously affect just who you can take with you
on the flight, what type of engine are you using, and
how you laid out your CG.  It would be better to build
it and not worry about who you can take up with you
unless you go to a different plane.


Gerald Locker

> see KRnet list details at

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