Mr Hoover
Maybe christmas could be early this year. I just replaced my digital camera
and now have an Olymus D-510 just sitting here with nothing to do. I live in
temecula and work all over North County. The way I figure, your free advice
has saved me thousands over five years so if it helps get more of your
advise on line I would be happy to put it to good use in your hands. Please
contact me @ if you are interseted.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: KR>VW Engine Rockers

> In a message dated 10/22/03 3:12:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Hey all this is why I used to rebuild my VW in my sandrail every year
> > now since being converted to the R.S Hoover way of Do it right and
> > it. I have not needed an overhaul since 97.
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Now my hat don't fit :-)
> ------------------------------------
> Actually, it isn't too difficult to get the VW valve train geometry
> it just takes a bit of time.  I'm told Santa is bringing me a digital
> this Christmas so I'll be able to post some pictures of the tools I've
made for
> setting up valve train geometry.  'VW Trends' published a rather lengthy
> article titled 'Dialing in Your Cam' which describes the first stage of
> process.  Once you've got the cam dialed in and have measured the actual
lift at the
> cam the remaining pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
> (If you're into engines there's a lot more poop about PORSCHE valve train
> geometry than you'll ever find for the VW.  You CAN set-up a VW
properly... but
> the factory never did.  Close enough was good enough.)
> The whole idea behind setting up the valve train geometry is to find the
> point of minimum loss in the process of turning an upward push, delivered
at an
> angle of about three degrees, into a downward shove, delivered at an angle
> about nine and a half.  The two basic principles involved are the fact
that the
> push-rod and valve can only move in a linear fashion (or nearly so) while
> rocker arm can only move through an arc, with the input arc typically
having a
> shorter radius than the output (that is, the rocker ratio is 1.1 to 1,
> to 1 and so forth.  Stock is 1.1, after-market rockers go up to 1.45 and
> to make things interesting, sometimes the rockers actually come pretty
close to
> those numbers :-)  (Nowadays, you gotta check EVERYTHING.)
> The tricky bit is HOW you go about matching the mid-point of the linear
> (or shove) to the tangental mid-point of the arc.
> Think about it for a minute.  Push the DOOR open with a broom stick...
> stick travels pretty much in a straight line but the door has to swing
> an arc.  No matter WHAT YOU DO the path traveled by the broomstick will
> be LESS than the arc traveled by the door.  That is, the broom stick
> on the chord of the arc whereas the door follows the radius of the arc.
> Bottom line, there's always some loss.  Your job is to arrange things so
> to give the LEAST loss, which also translates as the MOST motion at the
> So you find out how much the cam pushes the follower and the follower
> the push-rod and the rocker swings through an arc... and you raise the
> up or lower it down so that the mid-point of its arc perfectly matches the
> mid-point of the linear travel of the valve and you adjust the length of
> valve stems (if needed) and the length of your push-rod (ALWAYS needed)
and then
> you run the engine on the test stand for five or six hours and discover
> everything has changed anyway...  :-)
> Actually, you crank in a bit of Texas Windage when you do the set-up, so
> as the engine wears in and you come back and re-torque the heads and tweak
> the valves, the anticipated amount of wear will have caused the tangental
> to be within a gnat's ass of dead on, or so close that it's well within
> range of your adjusting screw.  (Gnat's ass is a technical term meaning
> five-tenthousandths of an inch if the wind is from a south and its a
Tuesday.  Work
> with me here; you'll pick it up as we go along.)
> I suppose that's really the tricky part, knowing the amount you have to
> on the high side of spec so that as the engine wears in it runs sweet
> of sour.  A lot of that part of valve train geometry won't make a lot of
> because nowadays, with "Volkswagen" parts coming from all over the world,
> from factories Volkswagen never heard of and without any quality control
to speak
> of, the initial wear-in coefficient is based on guesses and good
> But ANY attention you pay to your valve train geometry will usually be
> rewarded with SOME improvement in your volumetric efficiency.  On the
other hand,
> I've seen lots of engines that gave away as much as 25% of their lift at
> valve from being thrown together right out of the box.
> The engine will tell you.  Trouble is, most folks don't understand what it
> sez.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Didja see how Mike did the set-up on his Corvair?  That photo of the
> roller-rocker just kissing the valve stem?  For VW's I made a jig so I can
set a valve
> at its computed half-height.  Then I paint the stem with Dykem and have a
> scriber on the rocker arm so that when it's set at the proper height it
draws a
> line across across the face of the valve stem.  An optical comparitor
shows me
> how close I've come to the center of the valve stem for that particular
> setting.
> That probably sounds sorta gim-crack but I haven't found any better way of
> doing it.  Actually, it's not too bad of a method for a guys like me with
> fingernails instead of engineering degrees because I'm not actually
> anything in quantified terms, I'm simply COMPARING things, peering through
> glass to see if the line is too high, too low or just right.
> Raising the pivot point of the rocker will cause the line to fall a little
> lower, lowering the tower will raise it.  Once you get it dead on you go
> and re-run the numbers to see if the input is close enough to tangental.
> not, you can use a different valve or a different tower.  The height of
the tower
> and the length of the valve stem don't really matter (within reason) so
> as the mid-points of the linear travel exactly match the tangental points
> the arcs.  And keep in mind, you've got four rockers on the same shaft;
> seeking HARMONY rather than an identical numerical value.
> Then it hums.  'Free' horsepower.  More power for the same fuel.  Wears at
> slower rate.  Runs a lot smoother becuase the valve train stresses are
> evenly distributed... or something.  It also causes you to grow long,
> Surfer God hair allll over your bod-dee.
> Actually, I was just kidding about that last part.  (As he tosses his
> blond, Surfer God hair back from his noble sunburnt brow.  Being a native
> Californian isn't as easy as it looks.)
> Engineering types get off on what happens when you DON'T pay attention to
> valve train geometry, as in calculating how fast the engine will trash
> itself, or how low the efficiency can fall before EPA  will sue your ass
back into
> the Stone Age.  The Stone Age is where you'll find all those VW 'experts'
> never mention valves at all, telling the Yuppies, "This engine will RUST
> before it WEARS OUT."
> Uh, right, John.
> -R.S.Hoover
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