After thinking about this oil cooler and filter situation on the Corvair motor I think I have it figured out - Somewhat.. If I am wrong someone let me know. I have a plate covering the accessory case - instead of keeping the original pump/filter assy. I have oil leaving out of the pump side(passenger side) through AN 6 fittings to a firewall mounted filter (filter has bypass built in). From the filter we go to the cooler and then return to the TOP hole of the cooler attachment on the case. Previously I though it was to return to the bottom hole. I will have an oil pressure sender mounted at the OUTPUT side of the cooler before entering the case. This is the closest I think I can get to galley pressure. I am hoping that I thought this through correctly because I plan to drill my fitting hole into my plates this weekend and measure for some hoses soon.
Next question... Anybody have some firewall pictures with the Corvair installation to see hou you routed cables - battery box installations - ductwork - etc...? Hope to visit with Dean Cooper this weekend - a new KR face - sounds very promising... Happy Building y'all..... Bill