Well, I was told that my first landing would be perfect and then it 
would be 30 hours before I had another good one.  I guess I lucked out 
because my first three were pretty good.  Today I did more "bounce" and 
goes than when I was a student pilot.  I will pass along my embarassing 
landings so that hopefully someone else will not make the same mistake.

My previous three flights all had landings that came in on a runway that 
has about 1,000' of grass between the airport fence and the start of the 
runway.  I was able to get low and slow over the fence as soon as a 
landing on the airport was assured and keep in some power to get me to 
the runway.  This gave me a nice slow stable approach and I was able to 
chop the power and get my wheels down right at the start of the runway.

Today the wind was in the opposite direction and I had the proverbial 
50' trees that were 100' of the end of the runway.  Even with a good 
headwind the best I could hope for was getting in a flare a few hundred 
feet down the runway and then floating another hundred feet or two.  I 
botched the first one and came in to fast and decided to go around when 
it was apparent that I would be half way down the runway before I 
touched down.  In a Cherokee it wouldn't be any problem, but in the KR I 
like a lot of stopping distance since I can't start braking until the 
tailwheel is down and the plane is definitely done flying and then I 
need a good distance after that since the brakes are not that effective. 
 On the second one I was doing O.K. until the tower told me that there 
was a Mooney close behind me and I would need to exit the runway 
immediately after landing.  I pulled the plug early and told them I 
would go around because I wouldn't be able to turn off fast and I didn't 
want a Mooney up my butt.  I know that it was my runway and I could have 
made the Mooney go around, but the tower has been real patient with my 
taxii testing and first flights so I figured I would be accomodating 
this time.

The third and fourth attempt were where I learned a lesson.  I had been 
doing my landings per Jim Faughn's excellent write up on landings and 
raising the tailwheel right after touchdown, but on these I attempted 
full stall three pointers.  I held the plane off as long as possible and 
touched down in a three pointer like I had done before, but I did a 
better job of holding it six inches off today and was probably only 
40-45 mph when I touched down.  I figured that at that speed the plane 
was done flying and I would be able to keep the tail down and start to 
brake sooner so I didn't raise the tail. I made a 1' bounce and figured 
no big deal I am way under stall speed now and it will come back down 
and stick.  Wrong, the second bounce was three feet and more nose up 
than I care to be that close to the ground.  Good news is that full 
power in a KR will bring you off the top of a three foot bounce at an 
airspeed so slow it barely registers on the ASI without any loss of 
altitude from the top of the bounce.  Proof that a KR will fly in ground 
effect at speeds that you would never imagine possible and the moral to 
my story:

Get the tail back off the ground right after you touch down and don't 
get lazy and put it down until you can't hold it up any more.  You FLY a 
KR long after you are on the runway.

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