I saw the wheel fairing display.  There is a picture on the 2003 Gathering site.
I made my own wheel fairings from my molds.  These are different from those at 
the Gathering.  Mine are 35 inches long and fit close around the Lamb 4.00 X 5 
tires on my KR-2 with minimal frontal area.  I can make more of these fairing 
as I still have the molds.
Sid Wood, KR-2 N6242, smw...@olg.com

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: William Clapp [mailto:clapps...@cybersouth.com] 
        Sent: Sun 10/12/2003 11:32 PM 
        To: KR builders and pilots 
        Subject: KR>wheel pants and CG

        The tires for my KR are Lamb 4.00 X 5 - 8 Ply.   I am going to be 
flipping the plane over to build up stub wings and fairings.  There was a man 
at the Gathering that had a mold and wheel pants.  Does anybody know if they 
will be available and if they fit my tire?   Or are there other pants out there 
that will work well with my set up?   Does anybody make a tailwheel pant and is 
it going overboard to install one?   

        see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html

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