I just got a new Sporty's SP200 handheld radio yesterday.  At first I was 
impressed with it because I could receive a VOR from five miles away in my 
office which is a metal building.  On the way to the airport I tried to get 
ATIS and I couldn't get anything and I couldn't squelch the radio.  After 
playing with it for a while and the squelch unlocking on any frequency I 
thought tht it might be getting some kind of interference so I shut off my XM 
radio in my truck and the radio would squelch.  I have had the radio in my 
plane and had no problems with interference on my Narco Escort radio.  I also 
could hear the clicking from the turn signal in my truck and I had some popping 
in the plane.

Does anyone else have experience with this radio?  Do they just have crappy 
receivers or did I get a reject?  I would have gone with an Icom or a Vertex 
and I could have even gotten a discount on one because I am a dealer for their 
marine radios, but I wanted the Sportys radio because of the ILS localizer 

Also, the Sportys radio won't receive a VOR at the same time that you have in a 
com frequency.  Does anyone know if there is any handheld that will do a nav 
and com frequency at the same time?

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