I finally have my test area approved from the FAA. They gave me 5 hours of testing since I have made major alterations and it has taken some time to get everything approved. I have been doing more high speed taxi tests and will probably take my first flight tomorrow.
I was having problems on the high speed taxi tests with keeping the plane under control when I pulled the power back. It would veer off to the side of the runway and I had a hell of a time trying to keep it straight. The tail would be coming down at the same time to really keep things interresting. I thought about it and realized that my problem was probably that I wasn't compensating for the loss in engine torque soon enough. I made an effort to relax pressure on the left rudder peddal while I was pulling the power back BEFORE the plane darted to the left edge of the runway. I was always used to adding right rudder on spam cans while I added power, but never thought of reducing rudder while pulling power back. This has solved the problem and I can do high speed taxi runs now without raising my blood pressure. Thanks to Dan Heath and Steve Glover for giving me some tailwheel advice.