Thanks, Brian, for a very good message on grounding and wiring.

If you use shielded wire to suppress noise, be sure to ground only one end.  If 
you ground both ends, it becomes a wire and can conduct current.  This 
sometimes makes for more radio noise that if there were no shield at all.  I've 
found that it is most effective to ground all shields to a common point.  I 
used shrink tubing to cover the ungrounded end of the shield.

Also, buy some wire numbers and mark the ends of each wire and put the number 
on you wiring schematic.  You can't believe the hours you will save when the 
bird goes together for the last time.  Also, you will reduce troubleshooting in 
subsequent years to a few minutes rather than days.  Don't ask me how I know.

                                                Jim Vance

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