Well, I thought I would be posting the results of my first flight this weekend, but it didn't happen. I notified the FAA monday of my major alteration per the instructions in my operating limitations. I proposed day VFR with a 25 mile radius of the airport for the required five hours of flight testing, but they said that I need to propose a more specific area that is over a sparsely populated area. I sent back an outlined area on a sectional along with some arial photos that I got off of Mapquest. I need to wait for their response in writing before I can fly now. I am hoping that they accept my area because there is really no way to get from my airport to a sparsely populated area without flying over a heavily populated area, through Jacksonville International airspace, or through the Naval air station airspace. Any one else came accross this?
I did do a bunch of more taxiing and I finally got the tailwheel up. On the Citabria I was training on it was pretty easy to control on the ground until the tailwheel came up. That is where you had to really dance on the rudder pedals to keep it straight. The KR took quite a bit of dancing when the tailwheel was on on the ground in a medium speed taxi run so I expected it to be a real handfull once the tailwheel cam up. To my surprise, it was just the opposite. As soon as I got the tailwheel up it tracked pretty straight and was easy to control. The hatrdest time to keep things under control is when I pull the throttle back and start to slow down and put the tail back down. I imagine that the loss of the engine torque is a big part of that. I think I need to learn to start to relax pressure on the left peddal while I pull back the power BEFORE the plane heads to the edge of the runway. I think that three point landings should be pretty tame because the engine will already be at idle when I touch down. Any comments on my findings and what other people experience is welcome.