Aviation Mech wrote: Red Oak--- I did not get the KR in the air as early as I had planed, and the storm front will be moving between Red Oak and Michigan this weekend. So, I have elected to not make the trip. I will be canceling my reservations at the Red Coach Inn tonight. I do wish that Those who attend could vote to hold the event earlier in the season. This time of year always has weather issues. Here in S. E. Michigan today and tomorrow will be thick fog
Orma, Congratulations. We voted to go to Mt. Vernon, hosted by our own Larry Fleshner. We don't get to vote on the date. I fully agree with you, the weather is always a factor at this time of year. I started talking this up 2 years ago and we got it changed to 2 weeks earlier this year. I would like to see it much earlier when the weather patterns are more benign and we can get more KRs to the gathering. I think that if people who actually have flying KRs will make their wishes known, this may be a strong factor toward getting it at a better time of the year. I almost lost my life trying to get back from Columbia many years ago Weather is a very scary thing. N64KR Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC da...@kr-builder.org See you in Red Oak - 2003 See our KR at http://KR-Builder.org - Click on the pic See our EAA Chapter 242 at http://EAA242.org