Hopefully this will not affect anyone traveling to the gathering. Hoping even more that he doesn't decide to visit Red Oak this weekend.
---------------------------------------------------------------- AOPA ePilot Special Airspace Bulletin September 11, 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------- A special notice to AOPA members in the South and Midwest ==> ATTENTION PILOTS <== TFRs EXPECTED OVER GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, TEXAS FRIDAY AOPA is sending this message to advise pilots in the South and Midwest that the FAA will be issuing notams restricting flight in Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas tomorrow, September 12. President Bush is scheduled to visit Fort Stewart, Georgia, at 9:30 a.m. to show his appreciation for soldiers who served in Iraq. The president is then scheduled to attend a fund-raising lunch at the Mississippi Coliseum in Jackson, Mississippi, at 1:05 p.m. He will later make a speech at 5:35 p.m. at the Power Center in Houston. Based on previous presidential travel, AOPA anticipates the notams to establish 30-nautical-mile-radius temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) limiting general aviation flight. AOPA denounced the FAA's late release of the notams establishing the TFRs, which had not been issued as of 4 p.m. Eastern time Thursday. AOPA will post the notams on AOPA Online ( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html ) as soon as possible after they are issued. Because TFR airspace frequently changes, AOPA strongly encourages pilots to obtain a briefing and CHECK NOTAMS before every flight. Violators will be intercepted and forced to land.