Hi guys, Steve here. I have flown my KR many times at night. Went to Dayton 
few years ago to the Wright Bros. Ceremony and left at 4 am and landed in 
Albany, GA 3 and a half hours later for fuel. Also made a trip from Augusta, GA 
down the coast to Fxe with one stop for fuel in Daytona. Talked to the various 
centers and they cleared me through all the way home. One of the guys in Jax 
center asked me what kind of experimental I was. I told him it was a Kr and he 
said, that is VW powered right? I said yes a type 4. His reply was, I have you 
moving across my screen at 150 knots at 3300 feet !! Night flying is great, but 
know your route. As some wise guy once said, in a night emergency landing 
turn on your lights and if you don't like what you see, turn them off.

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