Ross wrote: > hi I have purchased a kr2S project in Australia it has the turtle deck > completeted and the glass around the tail is done. Is it necessary to > balance the tail and how can it be done with out cutting into an already > built plane as i have a engine of 110 hp with a reduction drive and I worry > that flutter could become a problem.
It's easy to add elevator counterweights after the plane is built. Just do it the "dynamic balance" way, which is add the weights to the tips of the elevator, extending forward. It would probably be prudent to beef up the surrounding skin with a layer or two of carbon fiber, and make sure you fasten them to the plywood rib and spruce structure. If you don't know what I mean by dynamic balance, see the photo of Dana's tail at . Make them out of lead weights that are sized to balance the tail to a neutral position, with the lead at the forward most location. Small and narrow are probably best. I've seen balance tabs that are only a half inch wide. They are mostly counterbalance, with little dynamic effect. This is somcthing I plan to research with a little trial and error once I get mine in the air... Leaving for Red Oak (Larry's house) at lunchtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL N56ML at see KR2S project N56ML at