>From: "Mark Youkey" <myou...@cox.net> >So, here are a few things that could get you looked at in a funny way: >-Squawking 1200 (especially when you aren't talking to center) >Precautions you should take, if you don't read the notams: >-Monitor 121.5 or 243.0 (as if there are any UHF radios on any KR's) >-Squawk >
Center considers the 1200 code to be just what it is designed to do, notify controllers that you are a VFR aircraft. Anything above 10K and you are required to have a transponder squawking 1200 unless you are on either flight following or and IFR flight plan. A VFR flight plan does not require talking with anyone or use of a transponder code. As you leave controlled airspace, one told to "squawking 1200 and have a good day". I just have no idea why someone would be "looked at" for practicing a universally accepted aviation safety method. Mark, why would that be? Moniter guard? It is something that was non present pre 9/11. However, most of the aircraft owners you are talking to on this forum will only have one radio. Better to listen to unicom, center, approach or "guard". I know who I would be listening to and it wouldn't be guard. Mark, I am truly interested in why squawking 1200 and not talking will get you looked at? Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY RV-7 slider/fuselage, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon. http://rvflying.tripod.com do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Get 10MB of e-mail storage! Sign up for Hotmail Extra Storage. http://join.msn.com/?PAGE=features/es