Does anyone have anything they might add to the information below. I'm beginning the think the Great Plains cylinders are not compatible with my HAPI wheel brakes. Lynn N37LH
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are using our Great Plains master cylinders, brake bleeding can only be accomplished by filling the system from the master cylinders down to the caliper. Attach the filler bottle to the master cylinder. The master cylinder must be tipped at a 45ยบ angle so that the line and fitting coming out of the cylinder is the highest point of the cylinder. This allows the trapped air in the cylinder to escape up and out of the line, as the cylinder fills with fluid. Open the bleed screw on the master cylinder and the caliper 1/2 turn and begin slowly filling the master cylinder. As the cylinder is filled, the air will be expelled out of the master cylinder and down the line to the caliper. Once all the air is out of the cylinder, fluid will fill the line down to the wheel caliper. As the wheel caliper is filled, the air in it will be pushed out of the bleed screw. Once fluid comes out of the caliper bleed screw, the system is bled. Close both bleed screws and you are done.