Hi Linda:
I spoke with Steve last week and advised we would be coming.
My wife Carla and I are first time KR attendees and are really looking 
forward to the gathering.
I bought a KR2 kit about 15 years ago, built the fuselage sides and 
spars then stopped due to space limitations.
We moved to the Poplar Grove IL airport last year and keep our Mooney 
there with us.
I retired yesterday and now have both the time and space to resume the 
KR 2 project.
Steve won't remember this but I met him when you guys lived in Palatine. 
In fact I met Steve when he was selling an engine to Herb Bull (long 
time ago!).
We'll be flying in on Thursday and probably will leave on Saturday.
We're looking forward to meeting all you guys!

Bernie McLean
2804 Stinson St.
Poplar Grove IL 61065

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