>From: "Colin" <crain...@cfl.rr.com>
>Correct me if I am wrong gang but I have always been taught that winglets 
>were designed by NASA to reduce/eliminate induced drag caused by high 
>pressure air attempting to flow around the wingtip instead of smoothly out 
>the trailing edge from the underside. effectively increasing the lift area 
>without having to increase the wing area, just add the tip.  I much cheaper 
>fix then adding more wing area etc...
>Colin Rainey KR2(td)

Colin, during my commercial training that is what I learned.  Their goal was 
to achieve what they called a "perpetual wing".  Their definition of the end 
of the wing was not the tip but that point on the wing where lateral 
separation occurred in what you described.  As I recall this point varied 
with speed, more square area at lower speed, less at higher speeds and was 
much more pronouned with tapered wings, ie., gliders not Cessnas,  where the 
tips were much more narrow than the root.  This point may make the addition 
of winglets to the KR a moot issue with it's relatively short wing and wide 
chord on the tip.  The addition of winglets provided them with a means to 
definitively determine a constant square area of wing lift.

Once again, I know enough about this to be dangerous................as I 
didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night:-)

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

>From: "Colin" <crain...@cfl.rr.com>
>Correct me if I am wrong gang but I have always been taught that winglets 
>were designed by NASA to reduce/eliminate induced drag caused by high 
>pressure air attempting to flow around the wingtip instead of smoothly out 
>the trailing edge from the underside. effectively increasing the lift area 
>without having to increase the wing area, just add the tip.  I much cheaper 
>fix then adding more wing area etc...
>Colin Rainey KR2(td)

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