Your initial post to this KR educated list left many people shaking their 
heads due to some obvious lack of research on this aircraft.  It was 
painfully obvious your enthusiasim overloaded the brain.

First of all, you said you would buy "kits" from RR.  There are no such 
things.  This is a plans built aircraft whose plans, including errors, are 
unchanged for 30 years other than the addition of the S model.  Royalities 
would not be an issue, liability for an aircraft built by you would be.  If 
you are going to use premolded parts, manufactured part, final builder 
fabrication or simply install are all going to affect the required documents 
YOU must file with the FAA to verify authoritatively your compliance with 
the 49% rule.  This documentation is much more detailed than the builders 
logs required by a FAA designee upon final inspection.  If you, as you say, 
are planning on installing GPS, long range fuel tanks, transponder and ox. 
systems you will be into systems and way past the 49% rule for kit 
manufacturers and building an airplane. This is just the head of the bubble.

Your question concerning an alternate wing material could have been 
researched by a check of the archives or a search on the internet for 
"fiberglass wing alternative".  One of the most obvious to any builder would 
be to fabricate molds and vac. bag your own skins.  You will find some 
people have used wood as an outer surface.

Your questions concerning ox and instrumentation, while nice, are pie in the 
sky issues with the KR.  Portable ox. system?  Just put a bracket somewhere, 
like a fire ext. holder, and snap in the bottle.  Better not be aft of the 
rear spar though.  Nice questions, but simply answers if you study the 
airplane a little bit.

Once again, I'm not flaming you but a small amount of research would have 
revealed too you the labor intensive nature of this airplane.  Most people 
approach this airplane because of it's relatively inexpensive final price.  
This price can be varied enormously by individual builders.  This airplane 
can be built by someone with practical common sense using tools most 
builders have in their shops.  You will find most KR builders will not buy 
something they can easily construct in their garage.  There are very, very, 
very few parts in this aircraft that cannot be fabricated in this manner.

While you may get lucky and pull this off, it just appeared you put the cart 
before the horse and did not do your homework before speaking up in class.  
I am not saying it can't be done but you better come up with a business plan 
that will take you from A to Z.   Like many people have said, "If you have 
money to burn, get into aviation".

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
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