Hello Colin. Steve here. At that time I had a subaru 1800 cc Asian version 
100 HP. The intake was the stock dual carb setup with 90 degree adapters and 
zenith stromberg altitude compensating carbs from England. They came off an 
850 cc , 1961 mimi cooper. (I used to have one of these before BMW ruined it). 
The engine ran fine for 500 hours but all this hard running (4800) rpm at 
cruise wore out the bottom end and a severe loss of oil pressure, The engine 
ran with 10 psi. I switched to corvair with no weight penalty and same HP. I 
have only had this one up to 8500 feet and it ran very well with the ellison. 
I was in the middle of the swamp  and thought I was all alone at this altitude 
when a delta 767 passed overhead at 10000 feet. I descended rather quickly. 
He was on approach to Fort Myers.

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