>All, >My KR came as a built unit by Mark Edal. I have inspections dated 1994. He >stretched a KR2 to 16.5' + but kept the KR2 stab and rudder. I can't lift a >wing with rudder as it will increase the drop of the wing. Al. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
This came up in a conversation I had with Willie Wilson from England. He stated that his KR will also drop a wing opposite to the rudder being used. He attributed it to the 3 degrees of wing washout. That was something I was going to test in my first few hours of flight (hopefully soon) and see if I get the same response. I'd be intrested to know if someone with a flying KR that has not built in the full 3 degrees of washout get the same response or not and how many KR flyers have noted this in their flying KR. I don't remember now if he said what speeds this happens at or if it was at all speeds. By the way, Willie also said he didn't tell the inspectors that his KR exibited this little trait as they might not be too happy with it so let's keep this among KR builders and flyers. After all, I don't think it has brought any KRs out of the air yet. Larry (still assembling and an occasional taxi test) Flesner Just 10 more sunrises till Mark and I head for Red Oak in either the Tripacer or the Oldsmobile!