I sounds to me like you are trying to reinvent the wheel.
It also sounds like you have no plan to benefit the widow of the man that
designed this plain and construction concept.
Are you going to buy parts from R/R inc. ?Pay them royalties?
This little plain was meant to be a homebuilt, and built by people that
could not afford a Cessna.
You are trying to stand on the shoulders of others to make a buck.
I for one, do not want to see a bunch of  "factory built" KR's showing up on
NTSB reports and dragging down the name of this well designed and conceived
Come up with your own concept, and hire a Aeronautical engineer to invent
your new store-bought and leave the KR's to those that love to build and fly
I for one will not help you, and I don't think you will find much help here!
Timothy Bellville
(homebuilt) KR2  N7038V

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