Also remember that the thickness of these webs will affect the spacing of
the WAFs as they slide into each other for wing attachment.

John and Janet Martindale
29 Jane Circuit

ph: 61 2 6658 4767
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Turner" <>
To: "KR builders and pilots" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: KR>new KR builder - spar question

> keith what you read is correct. You get a full web on the rear face of the
forward spar and a full web on the forward face of the rear spar (outer
wings). You also get a web on the front face of the front spar for the first
12" only. and you get a web on the back of the rear spar for 12" only. You
don't need that extra web it only adds weight
>                              Mike Turner
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From:
>   To:
>   Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:57 AM
>   Subject: KR>new KR builder - spar question
>   Hello,
>   Ok, so I've wanted to build a KR-1 since October, 1974 (yes, I still
have the magazine) and I just now got around to ordering the plans. They
have arrived and I am carefully reading the assembly instructions, trying to
visualize this project.
>   Step 4.2.10 includes this note: "the front spars have web full length
only on the aft face. The aft spars have web full length only on the forward
>   Huh? The accompanying drawings make no indication of this, and, if
indeed this is the case, where does the web stop? Do other builders do this?
Or, is this, like Monnett's "weight saving" spar holes in the Sonerii,
advice best ignored? Should the web be full length of the spar on both
>   Thanks in advance. I'm sure I will have many more questions in the
comming months and years.
>   Keith C. Krumwiede
>   Rosedale, IN
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