Gavin wrote:

> >Well Mark, I've got my plans now, and after all the to and froing about
airfoils can you say conclusively which should be the best fit for the KR2S
built from scratch??
 I've read about the 5048 and agree it's probably the best. How many are
flying and how is  the performance shaping up?? Has there been any change
from the 5048 section lately to anything more suited??<<

>From a purely physical standpoint, the taller AS5048 spar is slightly more
difficult to make because the vertical pieces are tapered.  A jig made from
blocks screwed to the table makes that simple though (keeps them from
sliding around while glueing), and might take you an extra 10 minutes.

"Best fit" in all other ways I'd say the AS5048.  Same stall speed, but
higher top end.  I don't know why anybody would use the RAF48 any more, but
whatever floats your boat...

See more airfoil details at .  There has been
no further development.  Gee, wasn't that enough?  As far as I know, only
Troy Pettway and Dean Selby are flying the new airfoils now.  That is about
to change significantly when the "new wave" gets here!  Troy's wild about
the new airfoil, but Dean's plane never had the RAF48 so he wouldn't be able
to give you a comparison.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML at
see KR2S project N56ML at

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