I'm urging the club to consider building a
>KR-2 or 2S.
>Rich H. Meyer


I hope someone can help you out. Personally, I'd not
even consider the standard KR2 if you haven't started yet.  Go with
the 2s if you are going to build anything at all and if this is a 
multi-owner/builder club project then I'd go with a nose wheel to take
in and satisify the greatest number of builders.  As sharp looking
and "mocho" (sp?) as a taildragger looks I think a nice looking
KR with a nosewheel runs a VERY CLOSE second.

Now, off to the hangar and work on aileron pushrods and try to
stay cool.  Forcast is for 94 degrees and air that sweats!

Larry Flesner

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