I noticed in the August issue of  Experimenter magazine that there has been
an issue with 5" Cleveland brakes.  It seems that sometimes the caliper
pistons are put in backwards.  This works fine for a while until the brake
pads wear down about half way and then brake fluid spews forth, potentially
catching on fire if the discs are hot enough (aircraft brake fluid is
flammable), but certainly meaning an immediate loss of braking.  They
recommend that everybody with these brakes check them at the earliest
opportunity.  Removing the pads and having someone slowly push the pedal
until the piston extends out about 3/16" will tell the story.  If you see an
o-ring, you need to pop the piston out and swap ends with it.  If you don't,
you're good to go...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML "at"  hiwaay.net
see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford

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