If I had some photos of My KR online I could direct
folks to them.. My canopy is displaced up slightly
to allow for extra head clearance.  And sweeps down
towards the turtledeck.  It reminded me of some
modern aircraft when I did it, but I can't recall
what aircraft or helicopter I modeled it after.

Who knows what this will do to in-flight drag, but
I've got a reasonable amount of headroom.

I'm working on getting my N541RY.com domain back.
(I let it expire and someone bought it due to all the
KR-net traffic... looks like I should sell stuff on it).

I have secured some other N541RY domains last night
(n541ry.us).  Hopefully I will have my domain up by
next week.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oscar Zuniga" <taildr...@hotmail.com>
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 08:01:48 -0500
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR>Canopy and turtledeck

> Ross indicated that he test-fitted his cockpit and canopy wearing a bike 
> helmet.  The KRs I've sat in (and I'm 5'-10") were snug to the top of my 
> head just with a headset on.  With a helmet- no way.
> Oscar Zuniga
> San Antonio, TX
> mailto: taildr...@hotmail.com
> website at http://www.flysquirrel.net
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