RE: Look out. There are no kits, as you think of them. I will finish my plane, but! Everything that I have ordered has come with inadequate instruction and needing significant work and non-standard tools.
Larry, I get disgusted also, but the picture isn't as black as all that. There are suppliers who do supply good parts. You just have to learn who to buy from and who not to buy from. If you ask on the net BEFOR you buy, then you can usually get a good source for most anything you want. True, if you want to build everything yourself, you have to be a mechanic, a welder, a machinist, a plastic bubble maker, and many other crafts that most people do not possess. You have to know your talents and pick and choose what to buy and what to make. I have a motor mount on this KR and had one on the first KR and had no problems with either of them. But spent several months trying to figure out how to attach and make seat belt attach fittings. Yes, it can be frustrating, but sure is a lot of fun. And another thing, if you like sports cars, you will love flying a KR. I know because I flew one for 6 years and had a blast doing it. N64KR Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC See you in Red Oak - 2003 See our KR at - Click on the pic See our EAA Chapter 242 at