Hello KR Netters, Many have emailed me requesting information on how they can order the KR Newsletters on CD; below is the order information. Also, the CD ships immediately, as many will tell you.
This CD is a fantastic tool to KR enthusiast. You get the KR Newsletter -- 287 issues / 1900+ pages -- of building answers and design ideas, for your searching pleasure (format Adobe Acrobat (c). Works on PC's and Apple. To receive your own copy "27 Years of the KR Newsletter on CD", you can use PayPal, Check or Money Order. $49.00 (shipped) To use your PayPal account (https://www.paypal.com) laca...@attbi.com To Mail Check or Money order: Larry A Capps 10S485 Book Road Naperville, IL. 60564 NOTE: All payments must be submitted in US Dollars, or check drafted on a US financial institution. Best Regards, Larry A Capps KR Newsletter CD Naperville, IL "Some of us are blessed with photographic memories, I just happen to be out of film."