Hello, everyone.
My name is Ray and I just bought a partially completed
KR2S.  So, I will be joining your forums and learning
everything I can.  I am sure I am going to need a lot
of help.  I look forward to chatting with all of you
and getting this baby to fly.
In the interim, I am going to Oshkosh and will attend
any seminars and forums there that I can.  Any advice
or any KR forums, let me know and I will be happy to
meet you there.
Also, I am in New Orleans.  Any local builders? 
Please call.


--- Peg and Mike Meyer <pmme...@swbell.net> wrote:
> Thanks to all for the many fine, instructive
> responses I received regarding my camber problems.
> One thing very comforting about the krnet is the
> fact that if you have some kind of problem, it most
> probably isn't the first time it's cropped up. I
> going to try and trick this thing up with the Jim
> Faughn shim idea, and in lieu of a successful
> outcome, I probably build (or have built) another
> lower gear bracket. More as this story develops...
> Thanks again,
> Mike Meyer
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