OK, since I didn't bring this up I'll respond.  Remember, I built a KR so I 
do have first hand comparison ability.  Dan, yes it is very enjoyable 
building this airplane.  I don't have to stop what I am doing because I 
don't have a bolt.  If an RV builder inventories the kits as they come in, 
he will have all the nuts, bolts, washers, rivets, cotter pins, plastic 
fittings, plumbing fittings.......the list goes on, to finish the entire 
airframe including brakes, tubes and tires.  If you are missing something, 
call Van's up and they send you items free.   There is some head scratching 
because the plans start off holding your hand at every point but become less 
involved as the building process goes on.  Some complain about this but if 
by the time you are building the fuselage you don't know to bevel a flat 
piece overlap to avoid bulging up when you rivet, that's your own fault.  It 
is fun to go the shop with a goal in mind and finishing with a part that is 
done, complete and ready for install at one sitting.

This is a picture showing all the small parts.  Remember, that is an 8' 
bench so I have 6' of nuts, bolts, rivets and "stuff".  The left two are 
mostly rivet heads, drills bits, guages and so on.  The middle two are 
mostly rivets and the right two are fittings, bolts and misc. hardware.


This one shows just how complete it is.  From left to right are fuel pump, 
brake reservoir, nuts, various rod end bearsings, adel clamps and flap 
bushings.  Above somewhere in the pic is a draw full of snap bushings for 
wire and line carrythroughs.


Now to show the detail of all this prepunched stuff.  This is the forward 
section middle floor cover with the slots punched in the front to vent the 
fuel pump.  If you look closely you will see three hole patterns, these are 
prepunched nutplate attachment points.  All the parts are this nice.


Do I have to search for the right bolt, just read the plans.  Here is the 
tailwheel with some plans in the background.  Heck, they even call out the 
various washers whether you need a thin and thick or thick and thick.  You 
need to study the plans as they are very detailed with a load of information 
in notes and "see detailed section A-A"


Not quite 18K for the entire, and I mean entire airframe including canopy is 
not cheap but it is reasonable for what you get.  I will have less in my RV 
than I have in my 2003 GMC 2500.  You gotta keep it in perspective.

Now, for anyone interested in what is going to cripple other four place 
airplance companies.  The RV-10 has flown and will be at Oshkosh.  They will 
be taking orders.  It will outfly my Bonanza hands down and carry more, cost 
less to maintain and allows you put some neat avionics in it that are not 
available to the certified crowd.  Oshkosh.........07 Honda Motorcycles 
Pavilion Weds. 7/30 11:30AM-12:45PM  Premier Introduction of the RV-10

I'll bring some pieces along to Oshkosh.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments
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