As you can tell from my subject lines, I am having a ball 
building/assembling this airplane.

This pic looks like a step back from last week but lo and 
The bulkheads are all primed along with the J channel stringers.  The floor 
comes with a J stringer bent into it on both sides.  You can't see it here 
but the aft section is bolted in for the tailwheel.  You actually build 
these airplanes twice.  The first time you cleco everything together and 
final drill all the holes.  On these skins the prepunched holes are .002 
undersize so you drill/ream them out to a #40.  Then it all comes back apart 
where every hole gets deburred and dimpled.  The dimple dies I use on 
substructure, such as the bulkheads is about .002 deeper than the skin 
dimple die.  This allows the skin dimples to sit down a little more giving a 
nice flush head on the outside.  As you can see, the prepunched stuff is 
jigless.  I built this aft fuselage on two shopmate work benches.  The 
forward bulkhead of the aft fuselage is not rivet on yet as the center 
section side skin gets riveted on there overlapping the aft side skin.

Here is the center section all together awaiting final drilling and 
deburring over this weekend.  The square bulkhead is the seatback bulkhead 
with the baggage compartment floor behind it.  The back of the baggage 
compartment floor rivets to the forward bulkhead of the aft fuselage.  You 
can see the seatbelt brackets sticking up through the floor.

I just riveted two of these together so I could work on something other than 
the fuselage one evening.  He used such basic alum. parts to make things.  
No rocket science here.  On the bottom you will see a hinge with the center 
eye ground out.  This is where you install split pins as once you would not 
be able to get a full length pin in with the side on.  Three half  hindges 
go on the bottom for and aft so you can "adjust" the seat position.

As a means to show how simple things are put together to make something 
work, here is how the seat incline in adjusted.  More straight up just put 
the seat back "thing" in the forward slot, more reclined put it in the back 
slot.  These is accomplised with nothing more than an alum. angle on the 
back of the seatback bulkhead with a piece of bent .032 and a shim.  KISS at 
it's best.

Lookin forward to Beer & Brats at Oshkosh!!

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments
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