I really don't like the idea of it being outside either, but the difference in hanger vs. tiedown space here is over $2,000 a year. Over five years I could build a complete new S airframe and have money left over for the cost savings.
I am actually guessing that with a good cover I could get almost as much time out of the airframe as if in a hanger. The wood is all varnished and plenty of wood and fabric planes have been sitting outside since they were built in the 40s. This is all theoretical since I don't know of any others kept outside yet. With any luck, I will be living at an airpark in a year or two and i won't have to worry any more. -------Original Message------- From: Kenneth L Wiltrout <klw1...@juno.com> Sent: 07/06/03 07:42 PM To: eng...@earthlink.net, kr...@mylist.net Subject: Re: KR>Airport woes > > Brian I really don't think this type of aircraft will do well being outside on a permanent basis. I'd be concerned with warpage due to humidity and temp extremes. These do require a lot of maint for the 1st year or so till you get the bugs out. My cowl was off every other wkend for the first year as I hunted down oil leaks, U may have better luck in that area. I pay $150 a month for my own hanger and it's really worth the money -------------------Good Luck------------------ On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 21:06:07 -0400 Brian Kraut <eng...@earthlink.net> writes: > It is almost time to make my neighbors very happy and move my plane > to > the airport. I went to the airport today to reserve a tiedown spot > for > August 1, but the spots that were $50 when I checked six months ago > are > now $75. I did find something on the other side of the airport for > $60 > a month, but they do maintenance there and they won't allow me to > even > remove my cowl on the ramp. I won't even be allowed to wash the > plane > on the ramp soon because the city is building a washing area and I > will > need to go there and pay to use it. > > I am checking with some of the hanger owners to see if I can get > some > kind of day rental rate so I can do maintenance. Can anyone give me > > some idea on how often I can expect to have to work on something if > I am > flying four or five hours every weekend? > > I am going to have a cover made to keep the UV off the plane and > keep it > dry. Is there anyone else that doesn't keep their KR in a hanger? > > > _______________________________________________ > see KRnet list details at http://www.krnet.org/instructions.html > > ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today! >